Thursday, December 20, 2007

Lolly Shawn?

Shawn lolly 2
Originally uploaded by Tyrant101
So, my buddy Ed has had this thing lately about drawing silly figures, faces, etc. and then labeling them "Shawn" (me). Not sure how he got started or what his motivation is, but I've had my revenge.

We, "The guys", (Brian, Luke, Ed, Mike & I) get together to "play pool" every Tuesday night. In actuality we haven't played pool in a couple of months and even before that maybe 25% of the time.

Either way...we get together on Tuesday's at Brians; drink some beers, shoot the shit, and just bascially be guys (Ed, Mike & I away from the wives for the night). So this past Tuesday Ed, who is usually my designated driver, calls and tells me his wife needs to work some odd hours so he's home with the kids. He can't make it.

So I spent the entire night drawing "Ed" pictures in retaliation for all the "Shawn" pictures, two of which, I might add, Ed has gleefully stuck to Brian's refrigerator like a nine year old trying to impress mom & dad.

By the end of the night I had ended up with, I think, six seperate "Ed" sketches and had, in like fashion, stuck them all to the refrigerator. Next Tuesday being Christmas I doubt we'll be "playing pool" @ Brian's, but I can't wait until the next Tuesday and see Ed's reaction. We all had a good laugh at the sketches at Ed's expense this week and it should be a fun night.

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